Belgium - Brussel

Backdated post on Europe Trip!!

After a short drive, we are now in Brussel! metropolitan city as compared to Brugge.

Best known for its chocolate, waffles and beer, Brussels was paradise for people like myself. A pity i din have the chance to take a bite in the Belgium nutella waffles. :(

While every city need an icon; or a hero of some sorts. Manneken Pis - The little icon is known worldwide although non-Europeans may not know his origins. The doll-faced youngster strikes a pose permanently 'pee-ing'.

*see no evil*
LOL. Lots of surrounding tourist were laughing when I did this pose. But there were others who followed suit.

with the guide

Everywhere in Brussel was: Manneken Pis Fries, Manneken Pis Ice-cream; Manneken Pis this; Manneken Pis that. totally commercialised.
