*back dated post on Europe Trip*
We dropped by to Antwerp for some last minute chocolate and souvenir shopping before heading to Netherlands.
It was really cold that morning with the temperature of around 10degree and damn! we left our jackets in our luggage. Can u imagine i was shivering the whole time?!!!
Next: Travelogue on Netherlands
We dropped by to Antwerp for some last minute chocolate and souvenir shopping before heading to Netherlands.
Statue of the giant's hand being thrown into the Scheldt River.
According to folklore, and as celebrated by the statue in front of the town hall, the city got its name from a legend involving a mythical giant called Antigoon who lived near the river Scheldt. He exacted a toll from those crossing the river, and for those who refused, he severed one of their hands and threw it into the river Scheldt. Eventually, the giant was slain by a young hero named Brabo, who cut off the giant's own hand and flung it into the river. Hence the name Antwerpen, from Dutch hand werpen—akin to Old English hand and wearpan (= to throw), that has changed to today's warp.
[source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antwerp]
[source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antwerp]
Next: Travelogue on Netherlands
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